Gary Cassara, one of our top clients, asked why CSM does not mention flexion and extension. He’s correct. We don’t use these words much. These words are misleading and cause trouble. Why is it [...]
CM's Blog
Johnny C discusses the impact of freestyle on the history of skiing. Speed management required for freestyle competition is the primary focus of the Clendenin Ski Method.
I believe three of the most essential Keys to the Kingdom are the ability to side-slip in a 'Killy Stance', the Squeegee Move, and Balance Migration. Here's why.
Three reasons why most skiers are challenged to find the LoveSpot™ and six reasons why finding the LoveSpot™ is so important
4 Powerful Ways to Improve Your Skiing Without Going to the Gym 1) Train Your Brain - Not Just Your Brawn So...what's as important as pumping, jumping, riding, and running? How about training [...]
Want to ski bumps into your seventies?
Story by Michael Miracle, Aspen Sojourner,
Midwinter 2012
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