Finding the LoveSpot™

3 Reasons most skiers are challenged in finding The LoveSpot™

1) If you stem, you can’t find the Love.

In bumps, protective instincts do not let most skiers give up their big-toe edge until they have a grip on the mountain with the other big-toe edge. The stem requires the old ski to be picked up over the bump, and stresses the outside knee. The stem is ugly, bones are not stacked, muscles are fatigued, and the best tactics of speed control are impossible.

If you release the downhill big-toe edge with a Twitch™, you can ski parallel in the bumps. If your turns are parallel, you WILL find the magic of the LoveSpot™

2) Thumpless Bumps are something most can’t imagine.

When you thump, you miss the Love. Young and athletic skiers often hop in the bumps. Every turn hits with a Thump. They have yet to learn that there are only so many Thumps in a skier’s lifetime.

Constant ski-snow contact, found only in the LoveSpot™, opens the door to seamless, smooth, swooping turns in the bumps. As a bonus, Thumpless Skiing™ extends your bump skiing life.

3) You quit skiing bumps!

When I hear, “John,  I had to quit skiing bumps because they hurt my back and knees too much.”

My reply, “If you had learned CSM, you wouldn’t have used up all your Thumps™.”

Again our protective instincts hold us back. Humans are not wired to slip, or to let go in gravity. Even though fear is no longer an issue, the technical flaw has embedded itself.  It’s not easy to change instinctive habits embedded in technique. Unfortunately, to be a Great Skier and to ski bumps without Thumps, you must change the habit. Our CSM coaches are trained specifically to get you through this impasse. You will learn to let go of the big-toe edge grab, trust your feet, and embrace gravity with tactics that control speed.  Once you learn to Twitch™ and let go, the LoveSpot™ is there with open arms.

"It's a lot more fun letting your horse run when you know you can slow her down!"

Johnny C

6 Reasons why the Love Spot is so important:

1)    You will hurt less, and most importantly you will look a whole lot better.

2)    You’ll have ski-snow contact through the transition of the turn.  The control that comes with ski-snow contact allows you to ski with intention rather than reaction.

3)    The tactics for speed management are only accessible once you find the LoveSpot™.

4)    You’ll be able to ski bumps as long as you can walk.

5)    With the LoveSpot™, you can start depositing your thumps in the bank because your skiing will become Thumpless!

6)    You’ll Love our Camps because you’ll get to know lots of fellow skiers flowing through the LoveSpot™.

See our DVD: Finding the LoveSpot™.


Lynda on her way to finding the LoveSpot™


Lynda finding the LoveSpot™ on
groomed terrain


You can see her joy. Now she is ready to
take her rapture into the bumps!

LoveSpot™ (lŭv●spŏt) n. 1. a. A magic moment of rapture in the ski turn. b. A sublime fleeting moment in skiing when the skis are edgeless but still in contact with the snow. c. A fulfilling moment in skiing when a skier feels the lightest on their skis, their body is the longest with the least angles, and they determine their own turn destiny. d. The place where becoming begins for Great Skiing 2. a. A place in a ski turn when the skier has the most versatility. b. A place in a ski turn when all the tactics of speed management are accessible to the skier. v. LoveSpottin’; adv. LoveSpottingly [CSM a cool place < ME love + spot]

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